About Us

MS90news is the only source of new world information in online news.  Our website provides the original information to users and engages the world’s people.  It is awesome to listen we provide the latest news round the clock seven days a week. We are targeting 50 countries in Europe, and South Asia. We will provide entertainment, health, style, education, politics, opinion, sports, business and travel.

The main purpose of MS90NEWS

Aware the people about “the true story of the world.”

We are focusing on that news provides true content. Our content is valuable for the user and empowers the world.

We cover the 5W and 1H in our content.

Do you know what is 5W and 1H?

Our content covers 5W which means What where when why whom 

and 1H means How.

We promise to serve you and deliver content and services that enrich your lives, and your families.




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