
Olivia Munn Suffering From A Life-Threatening Disease, Breast Cancer

The American actress Olivia Munn, seen in Top Films, is suffering from a life-threatening disease Breast Cancer, and she also underwent a Double Mastectomy last year. She said that surprisingly, I have cried only twice.

The American actor, Olivia Munn, at age 43, appeared at the Red Carpet Oscars Awards, after the Party with her partner John Molina on Wednesday, March 13.  After the party, She announced on social media, that she was suffering from a life-threatening disease, breast cancer, and also underwent a Double Mastectomy last year. She reveals the entire process on Instagram about her disease. She shared a picture of her hospital bed and doctors during surgeries. 

She said on Instagram that throughout the previous 10 months, she had four operations.
. During these surgeries, she learned more about cancer and hormones than she could have ever imagined. 

In 2023, her sister was undergoing a genetic test of 90 different genies, including BRCA. Munn and her sister’s tests were negative with a clear Mammogram. However, the physician requested that she compute a score for breast cancer risk assessment. After the score, MRI and ultrasound were also done, and the bypass was also done. During the bypass, it was found to be luminal cancer which is a very fast-moving cancer. the risk of this cancer was only 37%. Including also double mastectomy that took place after 30 days. My life has been saved.

“I’m grateful for John’s nights spent researching what every operation and drug means. I can expect recovery. I’m grateful for my son, Malcolm, two years,”. He was born in 2021. she said in thanks to her boyfriend, doctors, and father.  I thank Dr. Zaka’s staff including his physicians at Cedars, Sinai, St. Santa Monica, California, and Dr. Thais Ali Abadi. Munn thanked Mulaney’s support during the cancer treatment and Mulaney sent heart emoji to this post and also commented with a supportive message.

Olivia Munn is an American actress who has done many top films including Magic Mike in Iron Man 2 and X-Men.

He clarified that the risk in women is 10 to 12 percent, so I would like to say that women should assess their risk, and consult a doctor in any situation. On Thursday morning, Dr. Alisa Pott, chief of breast surgery at the Mount Seney Health System in New York City, said on CBS that the average risk of developing breast cancer for most women is 10 to 12 percent.

Port said that for women with life-threatening conditions, the risk is 60 to 80 percent.CBS has different ways to get a diagnosis, whether it’s online yourself or going to a doctor.  All of these things can give you a better idea of what you should do to stay proactive about your health.

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